Boolara, Central Gippsland Sunday 1st April, 2001

Michael Jones 955i Darren Morcomb TL1000S

Wayne Grant ZX9R Rhys Williams ZX9R

Geoff Barton ZX7R (leader) Robert Langer & Kirsten Anderson R1100S (r/riders)

After finding no one at the KBCP I braved the leaky tunnel and toll-less for bikes route to Hallam where the others were waiting. We then rode through Harkaway, Dewhurst, Cockatoo Woori Yallock, and Yarra Junction to Powelltown. The road up the hill after Powelltown needed to be taken with care as the inside corners had been stoned and the excess of course found its way on to the pavement.

Instead of going to Warragul as intended we diverted to Yarragon via Crossover for the first stop. Wayne decided that as he had enjoyed the fast sweepers between Noojee and Powelltown he would return home. Robbie and Kirsten thought that a sit down lunch was needed and also left the ride.

So after refuelling at Yarragon we headed through Thorpdale to Mirboo North then on a route that took in the roads between Mirboo Nth and Boolarra both ways with out travelling over the same road the same way twice. Earlier on the ride I had just missed a dog who was trying to chase a car and didn't see me coming. Also two steers were on the road near Yarragon and we were flashed by headlights to warn of two horses being ridden on the road at Boolarra South, so we had our fair share of distractions.

After a stop at the Mirboo North Bakery we went to Mardan South and Leongatha, then through the rain to Korumburra where we broke up. The rain stopped after Rhys put on his rain jacket.

Geoff Barton (Kawasaki ZX7R)