Reefton and Black Spurs plus Superbike BBQ

Sunday 28th  March, 2004


Honda CBR929           Greg Hales (leader)*                Yamaha R6                  Stuart Lee*                 

Honda CBR929           Ben Warden*                           Yamaha R6                  Joel Haley*                 

Honda CBR929           Ian Payne*                               Yamaha R1                  Dave Moore*

Honda CBR1100XX    Martin Hastie                            Suzuki GSXR750         Clint Vertigan

Honda CBR954           Paul Southwell*                        Suzuki GSXR750         Matt Clark & Beck*

Honda CBR600           Kate Stewart (rear)                  MV750STR                 Dave Ward

Honda CBR1000         James Copping (1st ride)           MV750R                     Darryn Webster                       

Suzuki Bandit               Ron Johnston*              Speed Triple                 Tom Reynolds & Rachel*

Tom Saville & Andi Sirninger *                         Rob Langer & Kirsten Anderson *      


On Ride: 16 bikes, 18 people. 

* At BBQ: 16 people


The Superbikes were not being shown on 'free-to-air' television. So we were fortunate in having Rob and Kirsten offer their home, BBQ and “Foxtel” equipped television for the social side of  the day's ride.


Sunday dawned warm and clear. Being the end of 'daylight saving', nobody slept in. We were all at Yarra Glen early! Just as well, as we had only recently learnt that the first Superbike race would start at 12 noon, so it was imperative that we got away on time. The plan was to do the Reefton and Black Spurs, and get back to Burwood in time for the start of the first race.


Greg gave a brief rundown of the ride, which would be done in a clockwise direction, and comprise Healesville, Black Spur, Marysville, Reefton Spur and Warburton. James, a first timer, had already been briefed by Greg on the Corner Marking System. Kate volunteered as rear rider. She also made us aware of a silver coloured Yamaha sports tourer, one of the new 'camera mounted' police surveillance bikes, that was patrolling the area.


We headed out of Yarra Glen along the Melba Highway, on to back roads into Healesville and then the recently resurfaced Black Spur. This section of road is just magnificent and, being racetrack smooth, just begs to be ridden fast! The only down side was a 'slippery road' sign at the start, which made most a little cautious, but after a short distance and no slides, it was back up to speed and enjoy the ride. Narbethong came and went, as did Marysville.  The bakery looking a little strange being devoid of bikes. Perhaps they were all down at the Island!


With a hot 30 degrees predicted, it was quite pleasant being in the cool mountain air.  But once past the Lake Mountain turnoff and onto the Reefton, it started to heat up again, the pace, that is!


All too soon we were in Warburton. As time was marching on, I gave Rob a call to see if he and Kirsten were ready for the invasion! A quick count of who was bbq'ing and we were off with Ben now leading.  It was nearly 12 so we took the most direct route to Burwood but still only arrived in time to see the last couple of laps of Race 1! But with the 600 Supersport race and the Superbike Race 2 still to be televised, we still had much to look forward too. Rob’s cooking and catering by Kirsten ensured a very pleasant afternoon was had by all.


It was also good to catch up with Tom and Andi and listen to their tales of outback riding adventures.


A big thankyou to Rob and Kirsten for organizing this very sociable event and to Greg for an excellent ride.



Ian Payne (Honda CBR929RR)