President’s Comment – January  2004


The year 2003 seems to have generated an excessive number of crashes on our Club rides! Statistics show that during that year we had 678 riders participate in 53 rides. Of those attending, 27 were involved in some sort of crash, thankfully most of the minor kind. But even so, this still represents a 4% crash rate, that is, for every 25 people on a ride, one crashed.  Not a very inviting statistic for potential new members! But it gets worse, as towards the end of the year the crash rate was running at 7.7 % that is 1 crash per 13 riders!


This is a very worrying situation and the question needs to be asked why? When you analyse the individual crash circumstances NO one reason stands out as the cause; all are unique with maybe the only common link being inattentiveness or travelling too fast for the conditions.


Although it can be argued that for the amount of kilometres we travel, crashes are par for the course, but is it one of the contributing factors. Perhaps we do too many kilometres!


Riding should be about fun and having a good time with like minded people. We all enjoy riding fast on twisty roads but in this Club there is NO PRIZE for being first and riding at the limit should be kept for the track.


Our Club caters for riders - enthusiasts who enjoy a good day’s ride involving challenging roads. This is one aspect that we don’t want to lose. But when people don’t wish to ride with us, as they feel intimidated, then its time to act. This issue will be discussed quite vigorously by the Committee at their next meeting.


Ian Payne

President. 2003/2004