May 2007 General Meeting Minutes

Open Meeting:                       8:23pm, Thursday 3rd May

Present:                                  16 members and friends in attendance.

Visitors                                   Bronwyn Manifold, Julie Warden & Barbara Rolf               

Apologies:                              Lyn Duncan.

Secretary Report:                  Contents of PO Box: - Shannon’s insurance.

Treasurer’s Report:              $2270 in bank - Peter Feistl presented the 2006/07 annual statement for comment; a copy also appears in the magazine.

Captains’ Report                   Past and forthcoming rides previewed by Trevor Harris.

General Business:                  The President reminded all in attendance that tonight was also the AGM.


The new June to September itinerary is being finalized with some interesting additions. Most months will feature a social ride with a lunch stop included. Also, in an effort to attract new and/or younger people on our rides, we will conduct a couple of “Novice/Casual rides” on a Saturday. This initiative was proposed by Breht Emmerson as he had spoken to several riders who seemed intimidated by our rides. So, by structuring a casual ride, we will attract these riders who may eventually participate in our ‘normal’ rides!


This will be our last meeting in this hall as it is closing for major renovations. Although not a major inconvenience as we only hold three meetings a year, we will need to find another suitable place for our September meeting. Some suggestions from the members included the Elsternwick Community Hall and ‘Docklands’ which is promoting several venues that may be suitable.


Ian spoke about the need to attract more members as although we have 64 financial members, very few participate on rides, etc. Members suggested we directly contact our members to ascertain why they don’t ride with us. We also checked out ‘Hangmore Club’ and Netrider for ideas. Other suggestions included Saturday social gatherings and General Meetings to start at 7pm, not 8.15pm. Committee to investigate.


Ian reminded members that the club year ends June and membership renewal subscriptions will be due on the 1st of July.


As tonight is our AGM, Ian closed the meeting but advised that the door prize would be drawn after the elections!


Close Meeting:                       9.30pm.




Annual General Meeting  - 2007



Open Meeting:                                   9:32pm, Thursday 3rd May, 2007


Business Arising                   
As stated in the Presidents Report, the Club proposes to change its name to the “Melbourne Sportsbike Riders” as the committee believes this name will be more recognisable to the modern motorcyclist. Ian called for any “for or against” discussion from the floor. None were forthcoming so the motion for the name change was put to the vote. 15  for, zero  against – Motion Carried.


As per the Associations Incorporations Act the necessary paperwork will need to be lodged before the change becomes official.


 Ian then spoke of the importance of the Committee and that being a committee member was not a difficult task. He stated that due to resignations this current committee had been operating in a reduced capacity but we hoped to rectify this imbalance with tonight’s AGM.
Appoint Chairman                Ian Payne acted as chairman.

Call for nominations             Ian explained that if only one nomination was forthcoming, the member nominated would be elected.


President                                Ian Payne – elected unopposed.
Vice President                        Paul Southwell – elected unopposed.
Treasurer                               Peter Feistl – elected unopposed.
Secretary/Editor                    Ben Warden – elected unopposed.
Assistant Secretary                Dave Ward – elected unopposed.
Captain                                  Trevor Harris - elected unopposed.
Vice Captain                          Breht Emmerson - elected unopposed.
Social secretary                      Barbara Rolfe – elected unopposed.


Ian thanked members for their participation.



Door Prize:                           1st – Mark Rigsby, 2nd - Rob Langer, 3rd – Geoff Jones.


Close Meeting:                       10.15pm.