Vale  Kirsten Anderson               20/6/1968 – 22/3/2009


We first met Kirsten in early 1999 when she would accompany Robert Langer on Sunday rides with the then Motorcycle Touring Club of Victoria. Rob had been in the Club since 1992 and with his friendly nature had soon made many friends. So it was not uncommon after a ride for a group of us to be invited back to his home for coffee and biscuits.


Rob’s home was a male wonderland with its multitude of sheds filled with cars, motorbikes and boys’ toys of every kind. There was stuff everywhere, even motorcycle parts being dismantled on the dining room table!


When his mum became ill, Robert decided he would look after her and as a result we saw less and less of him. It was during this time that Rob met Kirsten and, as she had no qualms in helping look after Rob’s mum, their friendship/relationship developed from there!


As motorcycling was Rob’s passion, Kirsten adopted it too, and although on many a Club ride, she remarked laughingly, “That I’d rather be sitting in Chapel Street with a glass of wine or a cappuccino than on the back of a motorcycle”. She was out of her comfort zone just to be with Robert. This was a pivotal milestone in their relationship and with Kirsten accepting Robert’s hobby it was only natural that they would take the next step in their relationship. So in October 1999 an engagement party was planned.  As any avid motorcycle fan will tell you, the most exciting event on the calendar is the MotoGP round at Phillip Island and this is when we knew how smitten Robert was:  he held the engagement on that very weekend!


As Kirsten became more conversant and confident with motorcycling and the other Club members she eventually stood for election on the Committee of the Motorcycle Touring Club of Victoria as Social Secretary – a position she held for 5 years (1999 to 2004). Not only did she cater for the social well being of the members, she also voiced her opinion as a non-riding but active member on all manner of issues at Committee level. She also picked up on the difficulty of attracting new members and how the name of the Club was not helping. Although a name change had been proposed previously, it had been defeated. But she felt the time was right, so in 2001 the name change was again proposed and this time it was successful.


As Kirsten’s health waned, (she had previously suffered a stroke and had ongoing problems with this condition) we saw less of her on rides but she was still socially active offering her home as a venue for Club BBQs. Also over many years at the Christmas Camp I have enjoyed sharing a glass of wine and discussion with Kirsten on a broad range of topics. Unfortunately this Christmas just gone was the last time I sat and enjoyed Kirsten’s company.


The MSR offers its condolences to Robert, for we too will miss this petite, witty and very unique woman - Kirsten Anderson.


Past and present members who attended the memorial service:-


Rob Langer                 Ian Payne                    Kerrie Gooding                       Tom Saville                

Andi Sirninger                        Jack Youdan               Steve Leyland                         Sue Wells

Paul Tallents                Cliff Peters                  Paul Southwell                        Ron & Julie Johnston

Dave Ward                  Pina Garasi                  Kate Stewart                           Cameron Stevens

Pete Weyermayr          Liz Oliver                    Ben & Julie Warden                Trevor & Barbara Harris Renzo Cunico                                   



Ian Payne

MSR President