Vice Captain’s Report

Well it's that time off the year again where we decide who is to run the club for the following year.

My role for the last year has been Vice Captain.  I have enjoyed the experience because it allowed me to have a voice on how things are done within the club. As an active member, the Captaincy suited me perfectly. It is not really a hard job as we have had a trouble free year with our members and our rides. We have had some new faces come on board this year which is great because it allows the club members to share their passion with more people.

The numbers of riders attending each ride has been fantastic in both wet and dry conditions. The commitment from all is great to see; nothing worse than going on a ride with only two or three riders and the day is over before you know it.

In the last 12 months we have had a few trips away which allowed new people to experience the joys of travelling in a group and most of all to enjoy riding different roads.

Tassie was also on this year with plenty of laughs and miles taken in while enjoying the sights. There were some accommodation issues but overall it is a great place to visit and ride.

We also had a couple of track days at Phillip Island and Sandown. These were a hit with a few of the members having never ridden before at these tracks. It was great to see the smiles at the end of the day. So next time we do a track day, get your name in quickly. Speaking of which, December the 12th at The Island is the next ride day. The best part is that it is on a Saturday. Contact HRCA and get that form in quickly before it is booked out.

As I have played a part on the Committee for the last two years, I have decided not to seek re-election.  I would like to give other members an opportunity to participate in Committee activities bringing with them fresh ideas, enthusiasm and directions.

Thanks everyone for giving me a chance to play a part and also for the great friendships I have formed over this time, which will not change.

I wish the new committee all the best for the next 12 months and look forward to seeing new faces.


Dave Ward