Walhalla MK II                            Sunday 28th June, 2009

What a horrible day!  First I get to the Monash Freeway turnoff on Hoddle St to head out to Berwick, only to find that it’s closed off.  Just great; a geographical challenge for the geographically challenged.  Of course, it’d be too easy to challenge me with something I’m actually good at.

Second thing I’m whining about:  I got to use my brand new heated grips for all of 20 minutes—and it’s not because it wasn’t cold.  I don’t want to hear any explanations from anyone about this one.

Third whinge:  Three roll starts before we even made it to our first stop.  Count them: 1, 2, 3!  Don’t even think about asking why.

Next time you stop for morning tea in Noojee and your battery is stuffed—if someone offers you a ride to grab their spare battery from home and head back out to your bike to fit it, don’t be an idiot and tell them to continue on with the ride and enjoy themselves.  If you do, there’s something wrong with you and you really deserve a few good whacks over the back of the head.  Instead, say thank you, sit yourself on the back of their bike and tell them you’re ready when they are.  Otherwise, you’ll find yourself all alone and miserable for well over an hour, no mobile reception, kicking yourself and inhaling bad things whilst waiting for the RACV man. 

To top it all off, I had to be nice to the RACV man, not just when he finally turned up, but for the WHOLE DURATION OF THE LONG CAR RIDE HOME.  89 kms later and we’ve only made it as far as Narre-bloody-Warren—and I’m starving!  What time did I get home?  Let’s see, something like after 5pm! 

Don’t even think about asking me why I didn’t roll start it and ride it home instead.

Yeah, I’m sulking.  Yes, still!  I’m really not up to reliving the whole how, why, when, where, etc, especially the why, so if you weren’t there on the day, spare yourself my evil eye and don’t ask.

Thanks for everyone’s sympathy.  Despite my own misery, I am happy for everyone else that they got to enjoy the rest of the ride.

And another thing!  Don’t talk to me about the magazine cover either.

Ha Du